Dogs with severely matted coats require extra attention. The groomers of Boston Paws will not cause unnecessary stress to pets by de-matting.

Mats can be extremely difficult to remove and may require the dog to be shaved. Removing a heavily matted coat can cause nicks, cuts, or abrasions. Excessive matting can also trap moisture and urine near the dog’s skin allowing mold, fungus, or bacteria to grow and/or revealing skin irritations that existed prior to the grooming process. Once the mats are removed some effects can include itchiness, redness, self-inflicted irritations or abrasions, and failure of hair to regrow. In some cases your dog may also exhibit brief behavioral changes.

I hereby release Boston Paws from any liability associated with any and all injuries or medical problems that may be uncovered and/or occur during the de-matting process. Should my pet need veterinarian care after or during the process of de-matting, I agree to pay any and all veterinarian fees associated.